Friday, August 21, 2020

D*A*M: Flesh Head

Another variation on the Sola Sound Tone Bender MKII from D*A*M - the Flesh Head.   

As mentioned, it’s a modified Tone Bender MKII.  The 1k Attack pot has been replaced by a 1k resistor, and the 10nf output capacitor has been replaced by two capacitors, one larger and one smaller, with a pot to sweep between the two values.  

It wouldn't be hard to add the Attack pot back to the circuit - maybe try and see what you think.


DAM Flesh Head point to point layout p2p

I didn’t list transistor types, as there are so many opinions out there already as to what’s best in a Tone Bender MKII.   

You can find the full list of what was used in the Flesh Head via the link below - there were only ten made, so don't feel too bad making a clone.

The back story from David Main (D*A*M mastermind), and more pics can be found here on the D*A*M forum.

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