Saturday, February 13, 2021

OFF-BOARD WIRING: Tone Bender MKIII / MKIV - Offboard Wiring Layout

Off-board wiring for any Tone Bender MKIII or MKIV - this is just how I do it; it's not exactly vintage correct.  

The cable with a grey offshoot is shielded.  Note where shields are not connected. I've grounded the enclosure via a pot; this is only sometimes necessary or recommended depending on the style of jack used (insulated plastic vs open metal).  

It might also be advisable to create a dedicated ground connection to the enclosure instead of using a pot. It's the better way to go in most cases. I've only done it because I didn't want to drill another hole in the vintage-style tone bender enclosures I've been using lately. 

One thing that I did recently was to use uninsulated wire to run through as many ground points as possible before soldering.  I think it looks neater and is easier than daisy-chaining individual cables.

The circuit shown is a D*A*M Fuzz Sound MKIII


Tone Bender MKIII or MKIV off-board wiring layout

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