Monday, October 21, 2024

PHILIPS: Model 956B Valve PA Amplifier

Yep, another valve PA head.  Adding details as I find out more about this one.  


I'm still looking for information on this one, apart from what appears to be an almost identical amp made by Steane's Sound Systems, Model S304 amplifier.    Steane's operated in Australia somewhere up into the fifties, and was acquired by Philips, or started making amps for Philips (I've read both options).  I have another SSS amp, and they look like they came from the same factory - it's way too similar to be a coincidence, that much is sure.

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

The Interconnect is not connected, and there's no evidence that it ever was, so not sure what it's used for.  This has a different output impedances compared to the SSS model - including a useful 15ohm output.

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

It's pretty clean inside, looks like maybe a coupling cap was changed at one stage, and a standard 1/4" jack was added, but the rest looks about right.

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

Quite a few wax paper coupling caps in there, which will no doubt be very leaky and will have to go.  It's really well made, have a look at the way they've joined groups of resistors together & there are some very tidy bends on component leads.  

I hope I can keep as much of this intact as possible.  Could be tricky...  

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier


Valves were removed by the previous owner and moved into his sales stock.  

2 x EL34, or possibly 6V6GT
5V4G Rectifier


INPUTS:          Pickup & Microphone 
CONTROLS:   PU Volume, Mic Volume, Bass & Treble 
OUTPUT:         Speaker binding posts
MISC:               Interconnect (which is ironically not connected)


Power:   A&R, marked 2735, 1637
Output:  A&R, marked 2725, ????

300, 150, 75 & 15 ohm options on the output transformer

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

Philips Model 9565 PA amplifier

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