Thursday, February 20, 2025

AWA: Fox Sound Systems, 25w PA Valve Amplifier

Branded as Fox Sound Systems, this is really an AWA PA1003.   I couldn't find any information on Fox Sound Systems, Sydney. My guess is that they were an installer who ordered unbranded amps directly from AWA for their installation work—possibly for schools or government buildings. But who knows?

I already own one of these, so when I saw this and the seller dropped the price to a reasonable amount, I snapped it up. I suppose I'll have to sell one later.

The differences between this one and my other unit are minimal. The main ones are that this amp has the optional low-impedance mic transformer on the input, and the phase inverter uses a 12AU7 instead of a 12AX7.

Fox Sounds Systems AWA PA1003 vintage valve amplifier

In addition to the weird impedances for 100v line systems, this output transformer can handle a regular 16ohm speaker (12 - 15 according to their published specs).

Fox Sounds Systems AWA PA1003 vintage valve PA amplifier

Same A&R transformers as my other PA1003.

Fox Sounds Systems AWA PA1003 vintage valve PA amplifier

Model 2426 - which is not listed in any A&R catalogs that I can find.  Probably a special order, similar to an existing A&R product.

Some nice RCA 7027A output pentodes - basically a fancy 6L6GC.  The 12X7 preamp valve and 12AU7 phase inverters are both AWA branded.  These are likely all original.

Plenty of space to work in - which is part of the reason why I like these.

It's a little grubby, and it looks like there may have been a couple of resistors replaced, but otherwise appears OK.  

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